Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Time Management - How to get more done in less time

When you run your business and work from home, the day really does just seem to go nowhere and the weeks even faster. It is so important to keep your focus and not get distracted. This system is as effective for sole practitioners as well as business owners and managers. It really is so simple, as all the best systems are. The important thing is that you USE IT!

  1. Spend a few minutes thinking about where you loose your hours. What do you get distracted by?
    Get a blank piece of paper and note the things and times you get easily distracted. What uses
    your time? Are these things moving you forward in your business?

  2. Every job, piece of paper, e-mail, etc. apply the rule of the four D’s
    Dump it
    Delegate it
    Diarise it
    Do it
    Ask yourself – Does this need doing? Is it taking me towards my goal?
    If the answer is no then DUMP IT. If the answer is yes then:-
    Ask yourself – Does this need to be done by me or can somebody else do it?
    If it can be done by somebody else, then DELEGATE IT. It it needs to be done by you then:-
    Ask yourself – Does it need to be done today?
    If the answer is no then DI ARISE IT.
    If the answer is yes then either DO IT or

  3. Set up a diary system so that you schedule blocks for specific tasks. Treat these as appointments
    as you would if you were having a meeting. For example, I only check my emails 3 times per
    day, first thing in the morning, lunch time and just before I sign off. I book my clients in for
    specific days and schedule days when I am going to complete other tasks such as newsletter,
    working on courses etc. This keeps me in the flow rather that having to stop and start and try to
    remember where I was and what I was thinking. I would rather fill my day with back to back
    clients so that this frees another day to work on tasks.

  4. Schedule time each day, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night to make your To
    Do List. Once you have your list, grade them A,B,C in order of priority. Never move onto a B
    task until you have completed all the A tasks and never move onto a C task until you have
    completed your B tasks.

In Brian Tracy's book 'Eat that Frog' Brian uses the concept that if you had to eat 10 frogs every day, always eat the biggest, ugliest frog first and then the day can only get better. So when you grade your list, all the A's should be the things you really don't want to do. Do these first then reward yourself with a cup of coffee or whatever your preference is. Remember, once they are done, the day can only get better!

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